TecCOMFrame is a project that provides a competence framework and prototype curricula for the academic training of technical communicators. It is available on the website https://www.teccom-frame.eu/.
Have you heard of the TecCOMFrame project (a competence framework and prototype curricula for technical communication education)?
How important is a competence framework for technical communicators in shaping academic curricula?
Very important
Somewhat important
Not important
How important is an update to TecCOMFrame for its continued relevance?
Very important
Somewhat important
Not important
What are the most important reasons for updating TecCOMFrame? (Select all that apply)

For which purposes would you use TecCOMFrame? (Select all that apply)

Do you think TecCOMFrame is suitable for setting a standard in technical communication education?
Have you used the TecCOMFrame website or its resources (available at https://www.teccom-frame.eu/)?
In the event of technical problems please contact tekom-europe@tekom.de